Thursday 21 January 2016

Making It Count

Its my second week back at university and the assignments are coming thick and fast now.  After my trips out over the Christmas holidays I am starting to feel like my final photography project is coming together now.  I've spent time in the digital darkroom blending images together to see how they work and if this idea would be successful, and good enough to submit as my final piece of work.

So far I'm pleased with the results, some are working better than others, but I've still got a few weeks before my deadline so have time to tweak and work out how I can group the images so that the final body of work is a cohesive one.

Here's a couple of my favourites:

And one I'm not so sure about:

I'd love to know what you think.

Making This Project Count

As my project is about the affect pollution and humans have on our shorelines I wanted to link it with charities that work to protect the coast.  There are so many more out there than I thought there would be and it seems like it is becoming more widely reported in the media.  Which I know is a bad thing because of the levels of pollution and damage that is being done, but it also has to have a small silver lining because it is raising awareness and emerging in more mainstream media.  For example, the article More Plastic Than Fish in the Sea by 2050 was published in The Guardian and features comments from  Dame Ellen MacArthur, who broke the record for the fastest solo circumnavigation of the globe in 2005.  I sincerely hope, by making more people aware of these atrocities we can start to make changes and reduce the damage that is being done.

To do my little bit to help I would like to support three charities through raising awareness of them at my final exhibition.  They are:

Two Minute Beach Clean is breeding a community of beach-loving volunteers helping to rid the world's beaches of marine litter and plastic pollution two minutes at a time.  People are encouraged to spend two minute picking up rubbish on their next visit to the beach, take a photograph and post it on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #2minutebeachclean.  Why not give it a go and earn some social media fame.

Surfers Against Sewage is an environmental charity protecting the UK's oceans, beaches and waves so they can be enjoyed long term.  Their campaigns include targeting marine litter, protecting our waves, improving water quality, taking action on climate change, and increasing the education around these issues.  Take a look on their website for what is happening in your region and how you can support this cause.

Break the Bag Habit is a campaign targeting the reduction of single-use bags.  Not only do they contribute to litter on our streets, but they use resources such as trees and water to produce them, and take over hundreds of thousands of years to break down.  You'll also save on the 5p bag charge introduced by the Government last year.  Win win.  Its easy to sign up to the pledge and shows your support.

There are so many more I could mention, but it all gets a bit overwhelming so I have chosen those mainly targeting the UK and are easy to build into your daily lives.  We've all heard the messages to turn off lights when we're not in the room, to not leave the tap running when we are brushing our teeth, but what else can you do to reduce waste?

Friday 1 January 2016

Happy New Year - Plans for 2016

Happy New Year!  I hope you enjoyed the fireworks last night and are starting 2016 off with lots of good intentions.  I’m not really one for New Year’s Resolutions, but I do have a few goals that I want to achieve this year.

This is it, my final year at university and it will all to be decided within six months time.  I’ll be shooting and soaring, bounding and leaping, into a brand new career and way of life.  How very exciting, and not even a little bit scary (well, maybe a morsel).

As have a lot of people, I've been thinking about what I learned in 2015 and reviewing the year.  It feels such a long time ago now, but back in February I organised an American Pancake Brunch with my fellow Event Management students; went to Costa Rica for five weeks in May learning Spanish, saving turtles and bird watching at an eco-lodge; and started planning what I'd like to do when I graduate university.

I've read a few other blog posts in the run up to the big NYE and a couple stood out for me.  The first was Monica Galvan's Choose to Live a Creative Life and the phrase "create more than you consume".  It's going to be my phrase (I couldn't do just one word as I know some people have) for 2016.  I want to create many new and beautiful photographs, and be more mindful about the products I purchase.  Could I buy handmade instead?  How will I discard what is being replaced and avoid my waste ending up in our oceans?

And the second was Beverley from Pack Your Passport's In Defence of Spending New Year Alone post.  My past few trips have been with other people and this post reminded me of the sheer satisfaction in travelling to a new destination alone, I am thinking about going on a trip when I graduate and at the moment leaning towards going back to New York, always a winner, but should I go somewhere I've not been before?  Maybe I'll create a Pinterest board with my options.

So these are my goals for 2016:

1) Review the images I have for my personal photography project and build a strong portfolio.
2) Plan and curate an exhibition of my final images in celebration of completing the project and promote awareness of what is happening to the vast seas and oceans of the world.
3) Graduate from university with a degree in Digital Photography and Event Management.
4) Continue to develop my photography skills (just cos I graduate, doesn't mean I stop learning).

Do you make New Year’s Resolutions and/or goals for 2016?  What are your plans for this brand new year?