Thursday 4 February 2016

Looking Into The Depth Project Update

I have been working on this photography project for four months now and it is now starting to feel like the end point is in sight.  I have seven blended images that I will use in my final portfolio and five more to work on so that they are a cohesive body of work.

The images that have made the cut so far are expansive landscape vistas and the blending is not jarring in any way or does not look too harsh.  The images I am struggling with are those that are closer to the subject of the image, so scale is sometimes an issue.

As in this image, the seagulls and cigarettes don't look quite right as the cigarettes are a lot larger than the seagulls, which is not the case in real life.

Over the next couple of weeks I will be experimenting with other images in post-production to get the blending as smooth as possible and so that the final photograph does not shock the viewer.  I want the portfolio as a whole to generate a reaction in the viewer, not one or two images that feel they do not fit in the project and so take the emphasis away from the key theme of raising awareness of the impact humans are having on our coastal areas.

In Other News...

An advert on Channel 4 had caught my eye recently, Drones in Forbidden Zones, as the cooling towers looked very similar to those I had photographed at Willington.  Low and behold, it was one and the same location.  The video is less than three minutes and well worth a watch.  It includes stories from people who worked there, it is so much more damaging to the environment than I realised.  It makes you think when you see the farmers' fields so close to somewhere that handled radiation, would any of that seeped into the crops that end up in our food chain?  Just as the plastic in our oceans ends up in the fish that gets served up on dinner plates.  Food for thought.

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